Zbigniew Oksiuta
Studiolo. Cosmical Gardens
Centre for Contemporary Art, Laznia 2, Gdansk, Poland
August 10 - October 04, 2019

Studiolo (Italian) means a small studio, a study that serves for learning, experiments and research. It gained popularity in the era of the Renaissance, however, it derives from the Middle Ages, when it was termed to deine the space for alchemical experiment. In this sense, the studiolo is the origin of a modern laboratory. During „Studiolo. Cosmic gardens” exhibition we will present contemporary studiolo, an experimental space for research and plant growth in an unusual conditions. Plants and plant tissues will be grown in a sterile environment and subjected to variable forces of gravity, light and hormones in order to breed plants characterised by new functions, as well as forms and shapes not occurring in nature.

The exhibition is prepared in cooperation with the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology of University of Gdańsk & Medical University of Gdańsk
Head of the Department of Biotechnology and the Plant Protection and Biotechnology Department: prof. Ewa Łojkowska
Consultations in the field of biotechnology: dr Anna Ihnatowicz and Izabela Perkowska
Realization in the field of biotechnology: Izabela Perkowska, and students MWB UG i GUMed: Izabela Kowalczyk, Klaudia Kochanowicz, Michał Prusiński i Michał Strzała.

Project "Roots make Nodes", computer animation Ben Elmer, Rensselaer Architecture, RPI
Photos: Laznia Gallery, Adam Bogdan, Zbigniew Oksiuta

Haverkamp Gallery, Cologne
Archilab, Orléans
BWA Wroclaw
Biennale di Venezia
Ars electronica, Linz
Arsenal, Bialystok/CSW Warsaw
FACT, Liverpool
Article Biennial Stavanger
Casino Luxembourg
Science Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok
MSU Broad Art Museum, Lansing, USA
Centre of Contemporary Art Laznia, Gdansk