pdf / pl / eng
Zbigniew Oksiuta, Spatium Gelatum
Katalog: BWA Wroclaw, Gallerys Contemporary Art
Wroclaw 2003
ISBN: 83-89308-60-6

pdf / pl
Zbigniew Oksiuta "Spatium Gelatum"
Archivolta 1/2003

pdf / pl
Architektura polimerow - rozmowa ze Zbigniewem Oksiuta
Architektura Murator 11 / 2003

pdf / pl
Zbigniew Oksiuta "Spatium Gelatum"
Architektura & Biznes 1/2004

pdf / eng
Zbigniew Oksiuta "Life-Made in Biosphere & Made in Space"
The Conference Expanding the Space
The 57th International Astronautical Congress, Valencia, Spain, Otober 2006

pdf / german
Zbigniew Oksiuta
"Biological Habitat: Breeding Spaces Technology, Made in Space"
Ars Electronica Archiv, Prix Ars Electronica, Linz 2007

pdf / eng
Zbigniew Oksiuta "New Biological Habitats in the Biosphere and in Space"
Leonardo Journal of the International Society for the Art, Science and Technology,
The MIT Press, USA, Volume 40, Number 2, 2007

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"Zycie poza statkiem kosmicznym Ziemia".
Monika Bakke - Rozmowa ze Zbigniewem Oksiuta
Obieg 31.12.2007

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Zbigniew Oksiuta
"Mieszkam w miesnym owocu"
Czas Kultury, Rosl-innosc, Numer 5/2008

pdf / eng
Zbigniew Oksiuta
"Biological Habitat: Developing Living Spaces" 2008
in catalogue:
"sk-interfaces. Exploring Borders-Creating Membranes In Art, Technology and Society"
Edited by Jens Hauser
FACT & Liverpool University Press

pdf / pl / eng
Zbigniew Oksiuta
"Isopycnic Systems, Spatium Gelatum, Breeding Spaces", 2009
in book:
Co to jest architektura? Vol.2.
What is architecture? Vol.2
Edited by Adam Budak
Manggha Museum for Japanese Art and Technology, Kraków, Poland

pdf / eng
"Breeding the Future"
in Architectural Design: Energies: New Material Boundaries,
May/June 2009, London, UK

pdf / eng
Biological Architecture. Living membranes.
Structural Membranes 2009
International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, Stuttgart, October 2009